Christmas Tree : Our 10 Commandments for a Flawless Decoration

3 mins read

As you know, with Christmas approaching, we try to prepare little lists to get you in the festive mood. And for all the procrastinators out there, today’s your lucky day—we’re revealing our top 10 tips for creating the most beautiful Christmas tree decoration. So, grab your trees, and let’s go!

  • No garlands you will use.

Here, we’re not big fans of large Christmas garlands. Sure, they can look nice on stair railings or furniture, but in the tree, they quickly take up all the space, leaving little room for other decorations to shine. For a modern tree, it’s better to skip the big garlands.

  • You will use string lights, and choose a single color.

The best way to bring light and life to your tree is with string lights. But be careful—avoid those multicolored ones that don’t give your tree a clear theme. The best approach is to choose a string of lights where each little bulb is the same color.

  • No more than two colors you will use.

It’s best not to get too carried away, so when it comes to decorating the tree, keep it simple. Two main colors are ideal. You can choose classic combos like gold and red, or silver and blue, which are often seen but are always reliable. Recently, color trends have shifted, so why not try silver and black, or brown and gold? No matter the color combination, stick to just two.

  • Different sizes you will choose.

When it comes to ornaments, it’s hard to create something harmonious if all your baubles are the same size. The best choice is to mix large, medium, and small ornaments. Alternating colors and sizes is the best way to get a balanced, beautiful look.

  • The atmosphere you will set.

It’s impossible to decorate a Christmas tree without some Christmas music or hot chocolate. Our little secret? Peanut butter hot chocolate. I promise, it’s the most comforting drink of the year. Heat up some milk until it’s steaming, pour it into a blender with your choice of chocolate, and add a teaspoon (or two, for the extra hungry) of peanut butter. Blend it all together, and you’ll have a delicious, frothy, peanut butter hot chocolate. Be careful—too much peanut butter can be overwhelming, but with the right amount, it will be the best hot chocolate you’ve ever had. As for music, we’ve created a special Christmas playlist, so expect plenty of festive cheer!

  • You will not forget a tree skirt.

We’re thinking of your furry friends—your four-legged companions will love relaxing under the Christmas tree. Let’s make it comfortable for them and put a Christmas tree skirt under the tree. When chosen well and in harmony with your decorations, it adds a beautiful touch to the overall look.

  • A thought for everyone you will have.

In our house, it’s impossible to decorate a tree without thinking of everyone. Each person picks a Christmas ornament and hangs it on the tree. It doesn’t matter the size, color, design, or anything else. Whether it’s a teddy bear with your name on it, a Starbucks cup, or like Atanaria, a pizza ornament, it should reflect something about you. No one gets left out, and each person chooses a decoration to hang on the tree every year. Of course, this is also the time of year when we remember loved ones who left us too soon, so a little sign for them is always welcome on our trees.

  • The star you will not forget.

Everyone knows that the top of the tree is reserved for the star. Whether it’s a glowing, sparkling one or a unique shape, the choice of the star is crucial—it’s what completes the tree. You absolutely must choose one that matches the rest of the decoration, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

  • The other rooms you will decorate.

For a truly successful Christmas decoration, you can’t just stop at the tree. You need decorations on the windows, string lights on the curtains, Santa Claus projectors on the walls, lanterns, polar bears, penguins… basically anything that reminds you of Christmas or the North Pole. I want them in the living room, in the entrance, outside, in the bedrooms, and even in the bathroom, why not? The idea is to be fully immersed in the Christmas spirit with decorations EVERYWHERE.

  • This guide you will forget.

Yes, while an aesthetic decoration is nice, the most important thing is to have fun with family and not go bankrupt buying decorations every year. So forget about the 10 commandments of Christmas—enjoy your time with your loved ones, have fun decorating your tree, and most importantly, no arguing allowed. Let’s cherish the precious moments with family and do what feels right. Christmas is not a competition; as long as you’re spending joyful moments with family or friends, that’s what matters most.

Now that you have our guide for a beautiful decoration—or rather, a great family moment—we hope you’ll make the most of it and enjoy sweet times together. Take care of yourselves, and we wish you a very Merry Christmas!

With a heart that beats to the rhythm of distant lands, Ataraxia’s passion for travel is nothing short of ferocious. She is drawn to the unusual, the offbeat, the places where most people don’t think to go. Whether it’s a hidden alley in a foreign city or a forgotten village nestled in the mountains, she finds beauty and meaning in every corner of the world.

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