Coffee Burst was born from a will to experiment with the English language in its purest form. By eliminating the verb like I have removed coffee from my daily life so many times, the will and feeling of redefining the idea of reading between the lines are more than omnipresent. Offering the readers a short text but intently throbbing with each word and mark, redefining the most ardent caffeinated codes to purge language from its beating heart : it’s daring to put more constraints to offer more liberties.

A random discovery, cup still smokey, the ensnaring smell. Its taste : soft, sweet, comforting. Its warmth, just like an embrace. Its almond and vanilla notes. The discovery of a world still unknown. A never equalled routine. Morning, midday and night, and every time in between. Sometimes too strong, but never too bitter. Little by little, the discovery of new tastes. New savors, new textures. The experiment in each and every occasion : hot, cold, outside, inside, flavored, coarse, longo, ristretto and so much more. Then one day, the disgust, the rejection. Nausea. A bitter feeling, a stomach cramp, the despair of having to go on without it.
One year. The absence, the shivers, the fatigue and then one day : the will. The finally alluring smell. The petrifying fear, of the absence of shortage. Every day, a fight, a delight. The incomprehension of taste, of choice. So many people, every day, but me? A relationship so delicate, the love of pleasure, the hatred of taste. In the end, a choice, supposedly the right one, the one without that.
Years without coherence, will, reject, delight, pleasure, nausea. Exquisite black voyage, delicious bitter notes. Foggy spirit, the gripping smell. Recognizable, rare, and yet. The time in its desire of a reunion ever so messed up. Which context? Which envy? Bitter the taste. Wholeness of the fruits, sweetest of the milk, sugary soul, adoration of the spirit, light heart. Change of mind. Irremediable solitude, love despair. Failed roasting. Why this war by the wandering soul, the acceptation of a taste, unnecessary. A life without, a life with and the obsolete tenderness. A habit of a sugary note, fruity. A useless travel, fatigue, selfishness, despair. Discovery of a revelation. Cancellation of aberration. In the end : the liberation.