About Asteria Magazine

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In the year 2012, amidst the swirling mists of intellectual exploration and the obscure corridors of cultural resurgence, Asteria Magazine emerged, though its nascent identity bore the name The Nerdy Virginias. Conceived in the mind of the enigmatic Atanaria, this publication was more than a mere compendium of articles; it was a vessel for the transcendence of the mundane, a luminous beacon guiding those lost in the ever-expanding cosmos of alternative culture. Atanaria, a visionary with an insatiable thirst for the esoteric and the avant-garde, envisioned a platform that would challenge the very foundations of cultural journalism.

It was not long before Atanaria’s singular vision attracted a kindred spirit. Enter Ataraxia, a fellow traveler of the liminal spaces where art, thought, and counterculture intertwine. United by a shared passion for the rebirth of cultural news, they embarked on a journey to redefine the very essence of journalism itself. Their collaboration was not a mere partnership; it was a symphony of intellectual fervor, a confluence of minds dedicated to the elevation of discourse and the illumination of the obscure.

As the publication evolved, so too did its identity. The Nerdy Virginias gave way to the celestial moniker Asteria Magazine—a name that encapsulates the boundless horizons of their ambition. Asteria, the embodiment of starlight and inspiration, became the symbol of their quest to transcend the ordinary and uncover the hidden gems of culture that lie beneath the surface.

Through meticulously crafted articles that delve into the intricacies of cultural phenomena, Asteria Magazine seeks to reshape the landscape of cultural news. It is a sanctuary for those who yearn to explore the depths of the human experience, a platform where the written word is not just information, but a transformative experience. Here, journalism is reimagined as an art form, a medium through which the world is not merely reported but understood, felt, and redefined.

In the vast constellation of media, Asteria Magazine shines as a beacon of intellectual rigor, creativity, and a relentless pursuit of the sublime.

Who Are We?


Atanaria hails from the enchanting streets of Toulouse, a city where history whispers through every cobblestone and the skies seem to echo with the dreams of poets. From this cradle of culture, she embarked on a journey that would take her across the world, infusing her life with the vibrancy of new places and the stories of untold souls. With a heart full of wanderlust and a mind forever in the stars, Atanaria has written her life across the pages of Brussels, Zurich, London, and most recently, the dazzling labyrinth of New York City.

A natural-born writer and poet, Atanaria’s pen dances with a rhythm that only she knows, crafting verses and prose that captivate the imagination and ignite the soul. Her passion for the unspoken, the mysterious, and the forgotten led her to create The Nerdy Virginias—a publication that would later evolve into Asteria Magazine, a testament to her love for the hidden corners of culture. Here, she explores the fringes of society, where subcultures thrive away from the blinding lights of the mainstream.

Atanaria’s passions are as eclectic and unconventional as the worlds she creates with her words. She is an avid collector of weird books—tomes filled with strange tales and forgotten knowledge that others might overlook. Horror movies are her secret delight, with their ability to stir the deepest fears and tap into the primal elements of the human psyche. Video games with interactive narratives are another of her loves, where storytelling becomes a living, breathing experience, drawing her into worlds as vivid and intricate as the real one.

But perhaps most fascinating of all is her love for exploring abandoned castles. These crumbling fortresses, echoing with the ghosts of centuries past, are her playgrounds, where imagination runs wild, and history comes alive in her mind. Each castle she visits is a story waiting to be told, a mystery to be unraveled, a piece of the past that she eagerly weaves into her ever-growing tapestry of experiences.

Atanaria is more than a writer; she is a traveler of worlds both real and imagined, a seeker of the strange and the beautiful, a poet of the unseen. Her life is a journey through time and space, and Asteria Magazine is the star she has lit to guide others along the way.


Ataraxia was born in the vibrant city of Toulouse, where the blend of history, art, and culture sparked her insatiable curiosity from an early age. A true connoisseur of all things cultural and travel-oriented, she lives with a mind that never rests, constantly seeking out new experiences and inspirations. Her writing, steeped in poetic flair, reflects this boundless energy, capturing the essence of the world with a grace that leaves readers enchanted.

With a heart that beats to the rhythm of distant lands, Ataraxia’s passion for travel is nothing short of ferocious. She is drawn to the unusual, the offbeat, the places where most people don’t think to go. Whether it’s a hidden alley in a foreign city or a forgotten village nestled in the mountains, she finds beauty and meaning in every corner of the world. For her, traveling is not just a hobby—it’s a way of life, a never-ending journey of discovery. As she explores, her trusty DSLR camera is always by her side, capturing moments that speak louder than words, freezing in time the beauty she encounters.

But Ataraxia’s love for culture doesn’t stop with travel. She drinks in new music, TV shows, and art like a fine wine, savoring each note, scene, and brushstroke as though it were a rare vintage. Her soul finds nourishment in art museums and galleries, where she can lose herself for hours, absorbed by the stories that paintings and sculptures tell. Each visit to a gallery is a new adventure, a portal to a different time, place, and state of mind.

Books are her other great passion—particularly fantasy and classic literature. Within the pages of these beloved tomes, she finds worlds as rich and vivid as the ones she traverses in real life. And when the sun sets and the stars come out, there’s nothing she loves more than settling down to watch witchcraft movies, where magic and mystery unfold before her eyes, captivating her with their dark allure.

At home, Ataraxia’s beloved cats are her constant companions, their presence a source of comfort and joy. Together, they form a cozy family, where creativity and inspiration flow freely.

Ataraxia is more than just a writer; she is a cultural explorer, a traveler of the mind and soul, who brings her readers along on every journey. Through her eyes, the world becomes a tapestry of experiences, woven together with the threads of art, literature, and adventure. Her life is a testament to the beauty of the world, both seen and unseen, and her writing is the map that guides others to discover it for themselves.
